Rosemary and Lavender Essential Oils are the perfect Fathers Day gift

Rosemary and Lavender Essential Oil

Essential Oils are for everybody.  It is ideal gifts for parents, friends, loved ones and everyone who wants guidance, inspiration, motivation to pursue a lifestyle of health and wellness. Essential oils are more than nice home smelling.  It becomes part of who we are.  At Lamara we produce Rosmarinus verbenone and Lavandin abrialis 100% essential oils.


Rosemary Essential OilROSEMARY

Rosemary comes from the Family Lamiaceae and is native to the Mediterranean region and receives its name from the Latin words “ros” (dew) and “marinus” (sea), which means “dew of the Sea.”  It has wonderful health benefits, and the ancient Greeks reserved it especially for stimulating the brain because it awakens the mind and sharpens understanding and restore memory.

The pure essential oil has volatile compounds and fragrant components (e.g terpenes and camphor) with a woody, minty energizing scent that makes it a potent antioxidant, antimicrobial and antiseptic agent.  It is a wonderful oil for all types of respiratory infections and sinus problems.  Its analgesic properties also help ease the muscle and joint pain and it promotes hair growth.


Lavender Essential OilLAVENDER

Lavender is indigenous to the mountainous areas of the countries bordering the western European part of the Mediterranean region.  The oil is arguably the world’s most popular and versatile essential oil with the most beloved scents we use today in every home and is called the Queen of the essential oils.  The scent of lavender has a sweet soothing fragrance with both relaxing and uplifting properties and offers relief for depression, calm anxiety and can help with insomnia.  It is known to help skin regenerate, reduce scarring, repair damage caused by sun exposure, and heal inflammatory skin conditions, mild acne, and burns.  It is an all-time favourite in aromatherapy.



Lamara’s essential oils can be used in diffusions and steam inhalation where the molecules disperse into the air to inhale so that it can make their way into one’s olfactory system and lungs where it can be absorbed in the bloodstream.  Or it can be applied topically on the skin, undiluted but it is always much safer to dilute the essential oils in a carrier oil like Lamara’s extra virgin olive oil.  But nothing is so relaxing like taking a bath where a few drops of essential oil has been dispersed.

For orders call Marlene @ 0828989187 or send an email to and we look forward to helping you.

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