Making the most of lemons all year round

Good to eat, good for healing and wellbeing and welcome in the home, lemons can be used daily.

In much the same way that honey is regarded as the star of natural foods, lemons too are considered to be a super food. The humble lemon is nature’s original health and beauty food, with magical properties that can transform the most common dish or drink into something extraordinary. Lemons have numerous health benefits and can be used daily both during and outside of lemon season.

Widely used in cooking to compliment fragrant fish, chicken or rice dishes and to add or highlight sweet or savoury flavours, there is no other food with a flavour so versatile as the simple lemon. Lemons can be eaten raw, squeezed into a cup of hot water, drunk as a tea or chilled cordial or added to salads, vegetable dishes and marinades.

The health and healing properties of lemons are numerous: rich in fiber, vitamin C and other plant-based compounds, freshly squeezed lemon juice can play a role in supporting the immune system to promote overall robust health. Fresh lemon juice also acts as a pH neutralising agent in the body, making acidic environments more alkaline aiding in the optimal functioning of the body’s systems and organs.

Lemon juice is a staple in many traditional home remedies, including treatments for skin problems, bee stings or removing stains from clothing. Many people drink hot water, lemon and honey when they first experience symptoms of a cold or the flu as the vitamin C in this mixture stimulates white blood cells that fight infection. Lemons also contain powerful antioxidants which offer protection against free radicals that damage cells and contribute to ageing.

Preserving lemons is a great way to enjoy the flavour and health benefits all year round. You can simply freeze fresh lemon juice in ice cube trays, and then defrost it as needed for your favourite dishes. Don’t forget about the pickling potential of lemons either – preserving your lemons with salt, herbs and other seasonings can make the culinary experience even more enjoyable. When life gives you lemons, make lemonade and preserve the rest! Your health will thank you for it.

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  • Marli

    Love it!

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